#RKelly’s Crisis Manager Announces He’s Stepping Down & We’ve Got The Details!

It looks like things are continuing to get worse and worse for R&B singer R. Kelly. His crisis manager, Darrell Johnson has announced that he is officially stepping down from his position.
Monday night, he told CBS News “I step down as crisis manager for personal reasons.”
This comes just after Johnson sat down with Gayle King for an interview where she asked him if he would leave his own daughter with Kelly. That’s when he hit everyone with a response that was very shocking coming from someone who represented the singer. He said, “Absolutely not. I wouldn’t leave my daughter with anybody that’s accused of pedophilia. Period.”

Now he did write a statement to USA Today clarifying some of the comments he made during the interview saying, “I should have worded it better.” Johnson also retracted the statement saying he was trying to say, “I would leave my daughter with Kelly because I do not believe he is pedophile.”

Blogged By: Bernie Oh!| @IamBernieOh