Residents Of Raleigh Paint ‘End Racism Now” On Downtown Street!
Donald Trump Threatens To Remove Republican National Convention From North Carolina In Series Of Memorial Day Tweets
UNC Tarheels Defeat NC StateIn Monday Night Face Off!
Da Baby Gives Charlotte Fans A FaceTime Show After Jet Breaks Down!
Raleigh 7 Day Weather Forecast
Discount State Fair Tickets Go On Sale Wednesday; Find Out Where You Can Get Yours!
[What’s Hot] DaBaby Drops New Video For ‘Intro’ Watch It Here First!
#2Chainz Upset With #NBA Over Not Being Picked For Celebrity #Allstar Game
#BennettCollege Exceds Fundrasing Goal!; Will Keep Accredidation!
A special congrats goes out to Bennett College and everyone who contributed to their fundraiser! The school not only met their 5 million dollar goal to keep their accedidation, but they surpassed it with racking in a total of 8.2 million!
That’s right! We did it y’all!!
The school took to Twitter to thank all the students, alumni, celebs, and others who donated!
Today we ring the Bennett Belle for every one of you who stood with us. We could not have done it without every donation, post and call made by our supporters. Thank you for keeping the Bennett Belle ringing! We did it!
@BennettCollege #StandWithBennett
— Phyllis Dawkins (@BennettPrez_PWD) February 5, 2019