Google Reveals Personal Checking Accounts To Come Next Year!

For a long time, Google has proven to be the go-to for finding information and carrying out everyday tasks. Well know they are planning on helping us out with our finances too!
The tech company announced they will be offering personal checking accounts, for the first time! According to CNN, the new accounts will be made available through a partnership between Google, Citigroup, and the Credit Union at Stratford University. The partnering banks will be responsible for the upkeep and compliance off all the accounts and will also be putting their brand names on each account. However, the accounts will be made available through Google Pay.
Google is still unsure if there will be any fees associated with the accounts. They aren’t the first big tech company to make a move to the financial arena, though. Facebook launched their cryptocurrency brand, Libra. It’s also been reported that Amazon is now thinking about heading the finance direction, as well.
Blogged By: Bernie Oh!|@IamBernieOh