Billionaire Michael Bloomberg Officially Joins Race For 2020 Presidential Election

The number of democratic candidates hoping to become President in 2020 is already fairly large. However, now there’s yet another candidate being added to the mix.
Billionaire and former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, announced Sunday that he will be entering the presidential race. What is his reasoning for wanting to run the nation? Well, Bloomberg reportedly made it clear that his sole goal in running is to defeat none other than our current president, Donald Trump.
“I’m running for president to defeat Donald Trump and rebuild America. We cannot afford 4 more years of President Trump’s reckless and unethical actions,” Bloomberg said.
However, you can’t point fingers without some being pointed back at you! Soon after announcing his efforts, many people started pointing out the flawed leadership displayed by Bloomberg while serving as the mayor of NYC. They also did not hold back from bringing up the controversial “stop and frisk” law that Bloomberg has since apologized for.
Blogged By: Bernie Oh!| @IamBernieOh