Joe Biden Reveals Plan For Black America After “Ain’t Black” Comment

It looks like Joe Biden is sliding through to do a little damage control.
The former Vice President has been the subject of plenty conversations following remarks he made while in an interview with Charlamagne Tha God. During the interview Biden was asked about black voters who are not sure whether to vote for him or Trump. That’s when he pretty much said if there is any confusion on whether to vote for Trump or himself “you ain’t black.”
Since then many celebrities and African Americans have been calling for Biden to earn the black vote and present his plans to help the African American community as a whole.
Well, it looks like Biden is making good on his word and on Monday revealed his agenda for Black America.
Included in the agenda is closing the wealth and income gap by investing in African American communities and businesses, making health equity a reality, expanding access to high-quality education, reducing the number of people incarcerated, and more.

The real question, though, is are these plans good enough for our vote?